Monday, February 5, 2024

Overcycler3 firmware done!

I have finished porting the firmware, and I am happy: I had no major modification to do on the prototype for everything to work :)

At a glance, what I added:
- Mono aftertouch (or "channel pressure").
- Automatic filter tuning.
- A bootloader, to allow easy and riskless firmware updates.
- A cleaner MIDI implementation with CC and NRPN.

By the way, I was able to implement the WaveMod called "crossover" in true polyphony, and even allow it on the 2 oscillators, a small demo:

This allows a 4 single cycle sound as "partials", here I modulate it with the oscillators envelope, we can also hear the aftertouch modulating the filter brightness.


  1. Any plans for FX? A chorus and a unison mode would sound absolutely divine on those SCWs!

  2. Can the PCB be modded to handle two or more independent audio outs? Where different oscillators (controlled by different MIDI channels) are sent to to different outputs e.g. Osc 1-4 for chords to audio out 1, 5 is a lead sound to audio out 2, 6 for bass to audio out 3
