Sunday, September 6, 2015

P600fw 2.10 third release candidate

Notable changes:
- Shortened some scrolling messages.
- Improved voice defeat usability.

Download links:


  1. Question for you.... Does your mod still access the 6116 static RAMs, or can they (and the battery) be removed?

    1. Nope, they can both be removed, the EPROM can be too.

  2. I have a prophet 600 with gligli upgrade. Arpeggiator works but I can't get sequencer to work, sequence button won't light when pressed.

  3. HI, just installed your new OS in my P600 yesterday and love it :-) Great work and get's it out of my storage for new usage !!! Just thought about the same upgrade for my Prophet 5s, at least the 3.X (I have the 2 as well, but it's not as common as the 3.X). I guess it could improve the P5 significantly and there are many users out there still. Having am extra LFO, extra waveforms, velocity aso would be GREAT :-) Maybe something for a new project. Best regards, Thomas Heckmann

  4. Hi,

    I'm trying to get my gligli P600 to do a solo mode.
    I tried turning off the oscillators individually, but this seems to be a global thing you can't just do to specific presets.
    Does this latest upgrade take care of this?
    Or is there a way to achieve a monophonic synth effect without using unison?
    Many thanks,

  5. Hi,

    I'm trying to get my gligli P600 to do a solo mode.
    I tried turning off the oscillators individually, but this seems to be a global thing you can't just do to specific presets.
    Does this latest upgrade take care of this?
    Or is there a way to achieve a monophonic synth effect without using unison?
    Many thanks,

  6. Hi,
    teensy loader shows "Erasing" then immediately shows "download error" when I try to flash p600firmware! I'm able to flash the board with the fast/ slow LED test programs and they work fine! I've done the mods and double checked them to be accurate. Teensy loader shows my board to be: Teensy++ 2.0 (AT90USB1286), version 1.20
    Did I order the wrong board? What am I doing wrong?

  7. I now have tried 4 different computers with no luck!
    On 2 windows 7 computers, it starts to program p600 firmware but stops shortly after with a DOWNLOAD ERROR no matter which version of the p600firmware however works fine if I use the LED test programs provided on PJRC's site.
    Also on both of my XP computers, I get an error during USB device installation so the loader never sees the teensy board!
    Thank you,

  8. Problem solved!
    It turned out to be a defective 3rd party board, ordered directly from PJRC and it works like a charm.
    Finally :)

  9. This seems to be the last firmware to come out so should we consider this the final release at this point?

  10. I have the exact same issue. Just bought a P600 with GliGli 2.0 installed, and the sequencer buttons doesn't work. GliGli, please respond to this. :-)

  11. I just got the Prophet 600 with the Gligli and had the sequencer issue, updated it to this and now the arpeggiator doesn't work.

  12. dos the prophet 600 go in tune mode when it s power up,and how dos it go in miscellaneous settings mode

  13. The Teensy++ is no longer being made by PJRC. I've not had any luck with the copies. Does anyone have any ideas ?

  14. HI there, I've been trying to contact you on the mail address you're using on GitHub. Really would like to talk about recent progress on finalizing V2.1 plus fixes and upgrades (also: newer compiler) and documentation. I am ready to work towards a proper and tested release. That is imogen. Response greatly appreciated.
