Monday, August 19, 2024

Overcyler first batch ready

The first batch of Overcycler is now ready at :)

For now, only the fully built version is stocked, DIY version will be available next batch!

Wednesday, August 7, 2024

GliGli's shop online!

I set up a shop to sell Overcycler, the link is: (the first batch of 10 will soon be available there).

The final price for the fully assembled version is 314€ and the DIY will be 264€.

By the way, "Magical Synth Adventure" has posted a video showcasing Overcycler through on Youtube :)

Edit: some photos of the synth:

Monday, June 24, 2024

Overcycler3 final prototype / factory patches demo

Due to issues with the first enclosure/PCB prototype, the project had a bit of delay, sorry for that!
The hardware is now based on a more "standard" PacTec PT-10 enclosure, and we had to redo the whole PCB so that it fits the form factor.

All in all, this made Overcycler way more ergonomic, with the panel now angled, and the 10 potentiometers and keypad below the screen.
This is also due to the reworked user interface, which uses digits to access 10 pages of controls, and A/B/C/D for options per page (* and # being global shortcuts).

I have made a video of the 15 (so far) factory patches. Finish will be slightly different in the final version (screws, ...) but this is very close to the final design.

Monday, February 5, 2024

Overcycler3 firmware done!

I have finished porting the firmware, and I am happy: I had no major modification to do on the prototype for everything to work :)

At a glance, what I added:
- Mono aftertouch (or "channel pressure").
- Automatic filter tuning.
- A bootloader, to allow easy and riskless firmware updates.
- A cleaner MIDI implementation with CC and NRPN.

By the way, I was able to implement the WaveMod called "crossover" in true polyphony, and even allow it on the 2 oscillators, a small demo:

This allows a 4 single cycle sound as "partials", here I modulate it with the oscillators envelope, we can also hear the aftertouch modulating the filter brightness.

Thursday, January 25, 2024

Overcycler3 update

The PCB design is finished, and I received the (almost) entirely populated first prototypes from (they didn't have the SSI2144).

Here's a picture of the PCB:

I am now working on porting my firmware on this new version.

By the way, here's what has changed since my earlier post:
- One more envelope, dedicated to oscillators (the filter envelope was used beforehand, but it felt a bit cheap...).
- Instead of a SDCard slot, I now use a soldered flash chip, which will be accessable through USB.
- Shipped with a machined enclosure, the potentiometers, the display, the 16 keys keypad, the knobs, and probably a vinyl for the panel, assemble it yourself (about 250€), or entirely assembled (about 300€).

Tuesday, October 10, 2023

Overcycler as a fully assembled SMT PCB


Now that there are cheap SMT clones of the SSM2044, I thought I could finally make this synth an affordable and easy to build DIY.

My idea is to offer this synth as a fully soldered (almost) entirely SMT PCB, and let the users wire the panel (10 potentiometers, a 40*4 character display and a 16 keys keyboard) and build the enclosure.

For now, it's hard to give a cost estimation, but let's say it would (probably) be around 200€ for a fully assembled board (add less than 100€ for the rest).

The firmware is now rather complete and well tested (by me :), here are the features:

  • 6 voice polyphony using hybrid synthesis (Digital "single cycle" oscillators / analog VCF and VCA).
  • 2 synchronizable oscillators per voice, duty cycle modulation on any waveform, 2 waveforms mix modulation (on oscillator 1), "grith" modulation (from a subtle veil to "ring modulation"-like sounds).
  • 2 complete envelopes with lin/exp choice and looping.
  • 2 complete LFOs with 6 modulation destinations.
  • 1 noise generator.
  • Voice panning on the stereo output.
  • 400 patches stored on SDCard, Single cycles (AKWF, PRophetVS, ...) also stored on SDCard.
  • Sequencer / Arpeggiator.
  • USB Powered with USB MIDI and regular MIDI.

 If people show interest, I'll start designing the new PCB!

Thursday, May 21, 2020

Sequential Circuits Multi-Trak firmware modifications release

Hello, I released version G.5 today with a fix for "Ext Clk" mode. After a few months of use, it seems it was the last bug left.

Here's the binary for 27C128 EPROM: mtrak.bin
And for 27C256 EPROM: mtrak32.bin (wider availability than 27C128 and compatible with this file)

Quick install how-to:
  • Dump patches and sequences thru MIDI. The upgrade procedure should not corrupt them but it's still safer to dump them before opening the synth.
  • Program the corresponding .BIN file to a regular erased 27C256 or 27C128 with an EPROM programmer. EPROM programmers (eg: TL866II) are not cheap but eg. there are services on the internet that do this.
  • Open the synth, remove the analog board.
  • Remove the old 28pin EPROM from the socket, keep it aside.
  • Fit the new EPROM, put the analog board and all back, and it should work fine!
  • To check the installed version number, press both "MIDI Channel" and "MIDI Mode" at the same time.

The project page:

I hope Multi-Trak owners will enjoy the added features of this firmware :) (by the way, I wonder how many of them there are in studios everywhere...).